Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New MissStefanie Necklaces: Vintage, Upcycled, Valentines

Just in time for Valentine's Day, I've added upcycled and vintage necklaces to my MissStefanie Etsy shop.

Some are vintage, featuring brooches, clip-on earrings, pendants, or charms hanging from the necklace. Others are upcycled, with single or multiple pieces from thrift store jewelry on the necklace. Sometimes the necklace has a chain from a thrift store necklace, and other I make the necklace using recycled material from black T-shirts (softer than a leather necklace; other colors available upon request). The necklaces made with the T-shirt material are 22-24 inches in length, but can be adjusted to be shorter or longer. You can wear one or layer two or more. I photographed the necklaces with a white button-down shirt, to show how they look styled with a shirt; I usually wear mine with my usual uniform of a tank or T-shirt under a cardigan or jacket.

So, Valentine's Day. A few necklaces have hearts, flowers, or bows. One has a heart and skull and another is a locket with flowers and a unicorn (a unicorn!). And here's the thing about Valentine's Day: it's a Hallmark holiday, sure. But I've always loved little trinkets and started a tradition years ago of treating myself to something for Valentine's Day. You can have someone special in your life or you can fly solo--but treating yourself is always a fine idea. Chocolate, check. A one-of-a-kind necklace in the $20 range? Check 'em out.

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