Putting small pieces up on the walls above the clothing, merchandise, and books dilutes the quality of the viewing: you have to strain your eyes and crane your neck just to get a look. It takes away from the experience and appreciation for the work that's up. If you are going to have smaller pieces then perhaps instead of putting them high up on the walls try to frame them on stands and put them on top of the merchandise cases of hang them at around average eye level. That way the viewer can enjoy the pieces more comfortably and take in the finer details.
After watching the flick I made a quick move to the Sohoe & Getso show up in the Plateau. It was about midnight when I showed up and the place was packed from end to end with people. It must have been 106 degrees Celsius in there, no joke. I managed to make my way tot he back of the room to build a fort and figure out a plan of action to take on this monster of a show. After losing five pounds in sweat and making a couple of stops to say some hello's, I proceeded to try to get a few shots of the work that up.
I have to say that I was really impressed with the collection of works that were up. The room was a loft space (no idea who's but good lookin' out on the spot) that was deep and wide enough to provide a great viewing area for the pieces being displayed. There was also a wide spectrum: color canvasses and pieces in oil, acrylic, and marker, black and white canvasses, sketches and drawings, and there was some kind of weird hair thing going on too.
The quality of the work was excellent and there was a lot of it up from end to end so there was plenty to look at and enjoy if you could get through the wall of bodies. There was also a few works up by other artists (forgive me as I was unable to get their names) besides Sohoe & Getso which also added to the variety already present in the work.
The problem I had with this show wasn't that the venue sucked -it clearly didn't- but it seemed more like a party with art on the walls than it did an actual art show.
The music was cool, the people were in a festive mood, and there were plenty of smiles on everyone's faces, so things were going well on the party end of things. But the place was so packed that it made navigating anywhere nearly impossible without stepping on some of them.
Admittedly, I showed up there at midnight, a few hours after it had started, so I had to expect some measure of festivities by that point. But this place was batshit crazy by the time I showed up. It was so packed in there that people were pressed up against some of the pieces on the walls. But I managed to make my way through most of it, broker some clearance to get some semi quality shots of the work, and survive the blistering swelter of the Hundred Hipster Army that was in attendance. It's difficult to choose my favorite piece from this show because there were so many great ones up.

I was only there for about an hour or so but from what I gathered the party was a big success, more people were streaming in even as I left. I have no way of knowing what the prices of the pieces were or who to contact since I have only recently met Sohoe & Getso and have no contact info for them as of yet. But check these pics of their work and as soon as I have some contact info I'll post it for those interested in purchasing anything from them. If anyone is interested in the Bosny work then you can contact SubV here for that info.
So all in all I had a great night, the art was great though the venues and presentation could have been better, and the party was barn burner from what I gathered.
I'll have more from TA, Turcot, and CBR soon so stay posted.
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